Amazon Review of Summer Wind

Roxanne and I were recently reading the reviews of our book, Summer Wind: A Soldier’s Road from Indiana to Vietnam on the Amazon website. All of them were wonderful, but this one really caught our eye:

Vietnam, as if you were a GI

Historical war stories don’t normally focus as sharply, as precisely, as this. Take one young American, research his background, family, and friends through hand written letters then find a bedrock narrative illustrating what it was like to live his life.

Generals? Secretary of Defense McNamara? What do they know of the mud, blood, and price of life in Vietnam?

Dick Wolfe is not a portrayed as a perfect hero; he sees the war from the ground up, and is remembered by those closest to him before, during, and after war.

This book holds up to the light a boy from small town Midwest, opens his life up to those of us who can admire a person who followed his sense of duty to the last. One soldier. One story. And, a very good one.