Recent Article Publications
A Source of Strength and Inspiration: Melba Phillips at Oakland City College. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, 30(3), 2018, 38-45.
Bound for the Admiralty Islands: Recovering and Reconstructing the Lost Story of my Father's World War II Adventures. in Connections, The Hoosier Genealogist, Spring/Summer 2018, 6-13. (Part of a 3-part series)
Recovering and Reconstruction the Stories of WWII Veterans’ War Experiences. Connections Genealogy Journal, 57(1), 4-14.
One of the Proudest Honors of my Life: A Forgotten Hoosier Abolitionist in the Civil War. Traces of Indiana and Midwest History. Winter Issue.
I am Writing this at Sea, bond for the Admiralty Islands: Recovering and Reconstruction the Lost Story of my Father’s World War II Adventures. A three part series in Connections: The Hoosier Genealogy Journal.
A Restless, Roaring Crowd: The Unexplored Dynamics of the 1945 Bingo Riot in Evansville, Indiana. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences Volume 19, 73-87.
Not even Daring to Tell Myself: Discovering and Constructing Stories about Family Members, Spring/Summer issue of the Connections: The Hoosier Genealogy Journal, 56(2).
To Make War against the Whiskey Ring: Anti-Saloon Sentiment and Extralegal Violence in Southwest Indiana 1874-1875. Indiana Magazine of History, 111(3), 217-249.
The Vocational Struggles of a Teenage Girl in the 1940s as seen through her Diary Accounts. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume 17.
By Axe and by Pen: The Element of Social Order in William M. Cockrum’s History of the Underground Railroad. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, 26(3) 2014, 36-43.
There is something to go to all the Time: Using Personal Letters to add Depth to Family Stories. Connections: The Hoosier Genealogist Journal, 54(2), 6-19.
The Scent of Rebellion is in the Air: Oakland City College during the Age of Aquarius. Hoosier Heritage Magazine, 10(1), 11-20.
Your Loving Father, Jack: Southern Illinois Farm Life in the 1890s as seen through the Correspondence of the Jack Pierce Family. Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society, 105(3), 51-90.
Confederate Raider. . . Criminal…Hero: Captain Jake Bennett’s Civil War. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume 15, 37-55.
An Officer of Admirable Courage: The Story of Indiana’s Most Highly Decorated Black Soldier of World War I. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History, 30-35. Download a PDF Copy.
Rising from the Ashes: Oakland City University’s Cockrum Hall. Hoosier Heritage Magazine, 9(2), 12-20.
What the Cows Saw: Writing Memoir Pieces for Future Generations. Connections: The Hoosier Genealogist Journal, 52(2), 15-30.
The Indiana Idea: Thoughts on Hoosier Culture. (Special Indiana History issue) Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, 17(2), 2-10.
Articles Published from 2000 to 2010
A Medal of Honor Winner Comes Home appears as a case study in the textbook An Evolving Nation: The United States since 1945. Thomson Press/Cengage Learning, 148-193.
The Firing of Professor George F. Parker appears as a case study in the textbook An Evolving Nation: The United States since 1945, Thomson Press/ Cengage Learning, 24-53.
Not like Your Father’s People: Finding Personal Meaning in Family Research. Connections: The Hoosier Genealogist Journal, 50(2), 80-89.
A Wanton Waste of Treasure and Blood: Governor William Henry Harrison’s Military Campaign of 1811 and the Voices of Dissent. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, 14(1), 12-33. (Special Military History Issue).
Reviving the Ideas of Order, Citizenship, and the Useful Sciences: Waltonville, Illinois’ New England Connection. The Prairie Historian: Magazine of Folk History, 43(4).
Only the Empty Skull Remained: Safety Issues in the Southwest Indiana Coal Fields during the Early 1920s as Reported by Local Newspapers. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences, summer 2008, Volume 12, Issue 3.
It is the Most Wonderful Thing I have Ever Seen: Indiana’s Contribution to Petrified Man Hoaxes. Indiana Magazine of History, Volume 104, Number 4. Download PDF Copy
All I Want to Do Now Is Go Home: The Strange Odyssey of Army Cpl. Arlie Pate. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume XII.
It is The Most Wonderful Thing: Research and Writing Opportunities in Your Own Back Yard. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume XI.
Review of To Bear Any Burden: A Hosier Green Beret’s Letters from Vietnam, by Daniel FitzGibbon, Indiana Magazine of History, Volume 103, Number 3.
And Their Fruits Shall Remain: The World of Indiana Frontier Baptists. American Baptist Quarterly. Vol. XXV, No. 2.
Thrown by as Useless: Indiana’s First Governor. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History.
Are You a Communist?: The 1948 Evansville, Indiana, Bucyrus Erie Strike. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences, Volume 9.
The Oakland City University Story. Hoosier Heritage Magazine. Volume 2, Number 2.
Telling Tales: The Teaching of American History Through Story-Telling. Social Education. Volume 69, Number 5.
They Defended Themselves Nobly: A Story of African American Empowerment in Antebellum America. Black History News and Notes.
Where Shall We Place Thee on Glory’s Page?: The Oakland City College Years of Melba Phillips. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences. Volume 8, Number 3.
A Call for a Re-evaluation of Jonathan Jennings, Indiana’s First Governor. Journal for the Liberal Arts and Sciences. Volume 8, Number 2.
The Real Violence in Evansville: The Firing of Professor George Parker. Indiana Magazine of History. Volume XCIX, Number 2, June 2003.
It is the Cause of all the Mischief Which the Indians Have Suffered: Native Americans and Alcohol Abuse in the Old Northwest. Ohio Valley History, Volume 3, Number 3.
Dramatizing Your Family Stories by Placing them in Historical Context. The Hoosier Genealogist. Volume 42, Number 1.
A Bunch of the Best Fighting Men I Ever Saw: African American Hoosiers and The Korean War. Black History. Number 89.
It’s Hard To Write With Mittens On: Hoosier Letters From The Korean War. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History.
Letters From The Korean War. Liberal Arts Dispatch. Volume 7, Number 3
I Wish The World to Look Upon Them as my Murderers: A Story of Cultural Violence on The Ohio Valley Frontier. Ohio Valley History. Volume 1, Number 3.
Those who honor me with their suffrage: The Political Odyssey of Robert M. Evans. Journal of the Indiana Academy of the Social Sciences. Volume IV.
Evansville’s Marine Corp Reserve and the Korean War. Traces of Indiana and Midwestern History.
African American Empowerment on the American Frontier. Black History. Number 79.
A Selection of Articles Published Before 2000
The Struggle for the Soul of Frontier Baptists: The Anti-Mission Controversy in the Lower Wabash Valley. Indiana Magazine of History, Volume 94, Issue 4, December 1998.
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